A bunch of things have been sitting in my head but I haven't had time to really blog about any of them but here's a few....
...My friend Jen has a lot of 2s in her phone number. I'm calling her now to wish my Goddaughter, NataLee, a happy 1st birthday and noticed that every other number is a 2. Crazy!
Okay, maybe not that one but it is kind of strange and I thought I'd share. :) Here's the real list...
...I'm becoming a strong believer in the idea that if it's really freaking cold outside, there should be snow on the ground. I'm not liking this bitter cold and nothing pretty and white to look at.
...I've been going to Jazzercise for the last month and trying to do Shaun's Cardio Tennis classes once or twice a week. I don't SEE a difference but my endurance is up so that's good. I think. Just wish I would SEE results. Oh well, I feel pretty good and I've been going 4 times a week for a month so I give myself a gold star for keep with it thus far.
...I keep looking for flights to South Korea to go see my cousin Rachel. It's sooooooooo expensive. What is up with that? I even checked the prices to go from Australia. Get this - it's more expensive to go from there than it is from here. I don't get it.
...Shaun is buying me a 6' ladder tomorrow and I'm very excited. Strange thing to be excited about, I know but there's good reason. We have this ledge above our front door and I have a tree all decorated that I want to put up there but need a ladder. Now that I'll have a ladder I can decorate for Chrismas but maybe put other things up there throughout the year instead of it just being this empty space. Either way, I'm excited about the ladder and I'll post a picture of the tree - inside and outside of the house once I'm done. Maybe then you'll get my excitement. :)
...This time last week I attended the funeral of a friend. He was 38 years old and died of pancreatic cancer. It was so hard to wrap my head around how quickly it all happened. He got his diagnosis and a little less than 3 weeks later, left us. His wife is so strong and I was so impressed with how well she was doing. The whole situation really made me think about how quickly your life can change.
...We're going to Australia again in January. We're both very excited. We didn't think we were going and had to give Shaun's parents the news. It was so sad but it was so nice to be able to tell her that things changed and we'll be there. She was so happy she cried. We're so loved! :) Georgia, our niece, will be going to her first day of school (1st grade!) while we're there so it will be fun to celebrate that with her. Oh and Shaun's sister bought a house with a pool - cannot wait to jump in!!!
...When is the price of food going to go down? I'm SUPER psyched the price of gas dropped but what about the sky-rocketing prices of milk and bread??? It costs too much to eat. I feel like I cannot go into the grocery store and spend less than $20 - even if I'm just getting milk, bread and maybe some eggs or cereal. It's RIDICULOUS. I love my milk but if this continues, I'm going to have to water down my skim milk. Wouldn't Shaun love that?!?!?!
And the last one because like the first, it's happening right now...
...my email has gone bonkers! I don't know what happened but I have gotten over 10,000 emails in the last 4 hours. All duplicates. I kid you not. I have gotten about a 100 or more of the same goodness knows how many emails and it's STILL going!!! I don't know what is going on but I cannot get it to stop and it's so frustrating. I am ready to throw my computer out the window. If anyone has any ideas, PLEASE call me - I'm desperate to make it stop.
Alright, time to go pick up my husband from work. Yea, carpooling! Boo fighting over who is going to decide what we're going to have for dinner and I can promise you that will start within minutes of him getting in the car.
Ta ta for now!