Even when I'm not pregnant I don't like being sick. I'm the girl who would drag myself to school because I didn't want to admit I didn't feel well. When I did complain of not feeling well my mom pretty much knew I wasn't lying.
With all the hype about H1N1 I've tried to be super careful. Washing my hands more often and even using hand sanitizer anytime I touch my nose. Well my cautious actions weren't enough and I've gotten something. Luckily whatever it is doesn't include a fever. But absence of a fever isn't making me feel any better.
Yesterday at my OB appt they told me I should go home and sleep off what I was thinking was a sinus infection that moved down to my chest. Given that I am still the hideout for our little munchkin I was told I could have cough medicine and my inhaler. My Primary Care said they wouldn't even see me if I didn't have a fever so not to expose me to the many patients with fevers loitering in their waiting room. So, off to bed I went.
Sleeping was nice but didn't do much for my painfully dry cough, tight chest or achy lower back. By the time I went to bed last night I truly thought I'd be able to function this morning. My multiple trips to the bathroom during the night seemed to confirm this positive thinking as it got less painful to get up. Boy was I wrong.
I made it as far as the toilet and turning on the shower before I had to sit down. The thought of having to undress and stand in the shower seemed impossible. I couldn't even begin to think about washing my hair or that belly bump. When I could muster the energy I admitted defeat, turned off the shower and returned to bed. I am bummed to admit that today I feel worse than yesterday. Yesterday I could breathe. Today I'm struggling even with the wonderful Breathe Right strips I swear by. Yesterday I drank more than a gallon of water. Today I've thrown up all the water I've drank. Yesterday I ate. Today I forced down some applesauce and two bites of yogurt before I felt green. So far they're still in my system. Unfortunately I'm very dehydrated and need to force myself to try water again. Keep your fingers crossed I don't need the big mixing bowl on the floor by my bed since I can't move fast enough to make it to a sink or toilet.
I will get through this and who knows, maybe I'll come out of it stronger for not putting myself in an OTC-drug-induced state like I would have pre-Little Z. And if not, it's still worth it for our munchkin.
Okay, I'm wiped out. Back to sleep I go.