We had a nice Thanksgiving yesterday. Shaun had to work so Amelia and I had a quiet day around the house. We slept in, read books, played and she had a good nap. I resisted the urge to put up the Christmas tree. Shaun made a comment last year about how I always put up the tree while he's at work so I took that to mean he wanted to help. This year, I'm waiting for his help.
We went to Abby's parents' house for dinner. They have always treated us like part of the family. While I enjoy cooking Thanksgiving dinner each year, it was really nice not to have to worry about it this year. The food was fabulous and the company even better. Amelia loves them all and of course, gets a kick out of any opportunity to play with Anna and Oliver.
I realized as I was watching Amelia snore away next to me yesterday morning that I have so much to be thankful of this year. I have a great husband. We both have jobs. We have a beautiful home to provide a roof over our heads. Pretty much the same things I'm thankful for each year. But this year I get to be thankful for amazing doctors and nurses who took care of me not once, but twice, this year. I am not only thankful, but lucky, that we have these talented men and women as part of our healthcare system. And of course, I am so thankful that we were blessed with Amelia.
In two hours, she'll be eight months old. It's funny to think that she's already gone from a tiny, helpless infant to our spunky little miss who already has quite the personality. She's saying "Dada" and on Wednesday she gave me a "Mama." She's not crawling but I swear my hands are already full and when she does get mobile, there will be no stopping her. But I won't lie - we are lucky because there are also many times when she'll sit in the same place for long periods of time and just play; content to chew on whatever is in reach. :)
We're lucky and while everyday I say a quiet "thank you" just for having a good life, yesterday was a good day to celebrate it.
Now if she'll just quit biting me when she's falling asleep while nursing, we'll be all good. :)