Sunday, February 27, 2011

11 Months Old

I can't believe she's going to be ONE next month. Wow, this year is FLYING!

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Waking Sleeping Beauty

This is from February 5th. I recorded it on my cell phone and do a terrible job of uploading cell phone pics and videos in a timely manner.

I had to wake Amelia up for our Baby Music class. As you can see, she likes her sleep. :) What you don't see is her turning into the happiest kiddo about 5 seconds after I stopped recording.

The Fire Truck

We found this little fire truck for an awesome price and I had to have it. Amelia has gotten more and more curious about it. Yesterday she was obsessed with ringing the bell.

On Her Feet!

Amelia has mastered pulling herself up onto her feet. And she's QUICK about it too! I have found myself watching her and literally in a blink of an eye she's on her feet. And to turn around or come in the room and see her standing is surreal. I can't believe how mobile she's becoming!

I was hoping she wouldn't walk until we get home from Australia at the end of April but something tells me that's not going to happen. Oh well!

She kept slipping so she decided to BITE the futon to help keep herself upright.
Reading Grandpa's book. I love how she's rubbing her nose!
Still reading ... and standing so well on one foot!


Amelia got a hold of the power cord to our laptop the other day. She was so intrigued by it and inspected it very carefully. I loved her sense of wonder with it and grabbed the camera. All was going well and she was doing great until I looked away for ONE SECOND and turned around to catch the last shot. Nothing happened but inspection time was over after that.

Attacking Mommy

Amelia crawled after me as I was taking pictures. I just kept snapping away. These two shots make me laugh.

Miss Mischievous

I gave Amelia an old chair that used to be mine. She was sitting it in and then decided it was much more fun to push it around the kitchen...

Once she hit the corner she wasn't really too sure what to do. She pushed it around on her knees and even stood and tried to push it...

Eventually she gave up and crawled under the table to get back to where she started!

Little Miss Ruffle Bottom checking out the snow...
