Sunday, April 28, 2013

My Little Gardener

Planting some wild flowers, scallions and broccoli. Now I'm just praying they grow - I have a bit of a black thumb. :/

My Little Artist

I took Amelia to a local art studio for preschool studio time on Saturday. She LOVED painting on a canvas with acrylics. Her masterpiece is now hanging in the play room.

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Playing with her & "iPad"

For her birthday Amelia got a LeapPad. She calls it her iPad. Cracks me up!


We got Amelia a second-hand tricycle yesterday and she was eager to try it out. She is struggling a little with the concept of pedaling but I think she'll figure it out soon.

"Reading" to Mommy

Click HERE to see a video of Amelia "reading" to me.  It's purely from memory but she still does a fantastic job.  I'm so proud of her!

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Silliness with Mommy


Dr's Appointment

Amelia at her 3-year well-child checkup!

Bestie Love

Claire and Amelia = Best Friends Forever!!
Amelia and I with Baby Colin. She looks like she'll be a natural big sister one day.

Mt. Washington

Shaun and I went on an overnight to the historic Mount Washington Hotel.  This is a picture of the snow-capped mountains I captured at sunset.

3 years!

Sleepover with Claire

On Amelia's birthday one of my best friends, Erin, checked into the hospital to be induced with their son.  Their daughter, Claire, who happens to be Amelia's bestie came to our house for the night.  It was the first sleepover experience for all of us.  It was challenging but we finally got the girls asleep (in our bed with us!) at 10:30pm.  They were SO tired the next morning.

Happy 3rd Birthday, Amelia!

Happy Birthday, Mommy!

Shaun took Amelia shopping to pick out a birthday present for me.
She got me Disney princess nail polish.  I was so excited.  :)


Amelia played beauty salon with a very patient daddy.

Happy St. Patty's Day

To kick the day off, I decided to celebrate our Irish heritage with green eggs and pancakes!
 Amelia LOVED them so much she ditched her fork and just shoveled it in with her hands. PIG!
 Then it was off to the parade!

First Swing of 2013

Amelia was very excited that March 11th brought enough warmth for the first swing of 2013.

It's How I Like to Wear Them

Amelia's signature style - upside down sunnies.


Amelia goes to see Mr. Brett to get her hair cut.  She gets to sit in a purple (her favorite color!) princess (oh my!) jeep.  She loves Mr. Brett and is notafraid to remind me when we haven't seen him in awhile!

Self Portraits

Amelia found the camera on my phone and had a bit of fun taking some self portraits!

New Dance Outfit

Amelia got this fancy new dance outfit with matching leg warmers.  I LOVE it!
I wish the blinds were closed for this picture. The sunlight makes it
hard to see, but I loved the way she was dancing.

Safety Always!

Amelia wanted to take her Tiana doll in the car to daycare but personal toys aren't allowed at daycare so Tiana had to stay in the car.  If she was staying in the car Amelia insisted she be buckled up for safety.  She even left Tiana a toy (on the left) to play with if she got bored and a teddy bear (red thing kind of hidden on the right) to sleep with at naptime.

Making Mommy Happy

Amelia hates this dress, but she begged me to buy it so I make her wear it.  I think she looks cute. It practically takes an act of God to get her to wear the darn thing.  Drives me nuts!


Frilly dresses only, please.

This is one of Amelia's favorite dresses.  If I let her, she'd wear it everyday. 
She will wear nothing but dresses and the frillier the skirt, the better.

Hello, Lover!

Amelia is in love.  In love with hot fudge sundaes!  I decided it was high time this girl have a proper ice cream treat.  Soft serve vanilla, hot fudge sauce and peanuts.  She LOVED it so it's confirmed, she's definitely my daughter.

Skiing at Stowe

I went skiing at Stowe and captured the amazing view with my camera phone.

Valentine's Day date

On Valentine's Day Amelia stayed with my mom and Shaun & I attended my firm's Casino Royale night.  It was so much fun to get all dressed up and have an adult night out. 
One of the best Valentine's Days ever.


Grandma came to visit and Amelia loved every second of it. 
I just wish we would have gotten more photos.  :(

Looking for Summer

Amelia was NOT excited about coming home and having to wear warm clothes.
She BEGGED me to wear this dress so I let her ... with a turtleneck and leggings!

Tired Girl

On our way home Amelia was SO tired and wanted to be carried.  Luckily I had the carrier with me.  One minute she was awake and the next out cold.
 She slept through the entire flight home from New York.

Napping with Baby Jenna

Amelia took a nap with her baby Jenna. It was hot so Amelia took all of Jenna's
clothes off but fell asleep before she could get completely naked.  :)

All Dressed Up for Dinner

All dressed up for dinner at the fancy restaurant!
 Me and my girl.
 She was so tired she fell asleep at dinner.

Red Slushies!

I swear Amelia will do ANYTHING for a red slushy!
(otherwise known as a non-alcoholic strawberry daiquiri)

My Little Yogi


It was completely appropriate that Amelia got her yoga-groove on at the yoga conference. She loves doing downward dog! And hey, the mat works well for hiding too!