Well, I made it to Melbourne. And I instantly realized I didn't like it as much as Sydney. I'm sure it's better than I'm giving it credit for but it just didn't grab me like Sydney did. Maybe it's the lack of the completely recognizable Opera House. :)
Regardless of my feelings about the city, the tennis has been AWESOME! My first night here I went to see Andy Roddick. He's the reason I first started enjoying watching tennis. His serve is unbelievable and he's just a talented player. He lost in five sets, which was disappointing but what bothered me more was his attitude. He acted like a toddler out there. Yelling at the umpire, treating the ball kids terribly and just being childish. It was embarrassing in many ways to be cheering so hard for such a brat but I couldn't turn my back on a USA player.
The next day I was able to see my favorite player -James Blake - from his player's box where his coach, mom, peeps from Nike and his trainer all sit. It was the greatest match. He was down 4-1 in the fourth and then won the set. And again in the fifth set he was down but came through to win the match. It was OUTSTANDING! I am usually a little frustrated with James because he seems to crack under pressure but he really held himself together and pulled through a tough match (he's never beaten the guy he played) and did so well.
On Sunday I caught the Bryan brothers' doubles match. They won, of course. It was great. They are always fun to watch. I showed up early to the match and watched the doubles match on prior to them - it was hysterical because one team tried to chest bump each other like Mike and Bob do and one of them ended up getting hurt. Dummies.
The last match I watched on-site was another one of James', which was today. He took out his opponent in 3 straight sets. I'm telling you, he's on fire. I was SOOOOOOOO excited. Unfortunately I'm not here on Wednesday to sit in his box and watch him play Roger Federer. SO SAD!!! :( But no fear, I will be glued to the TV. If James is going to beat Federer, it's going to be this week - he is playing his best ever.
Okay, enough tennis. I'm sorry.
I got burned today (at the tennis) and I put on sunscreen religiously every 40 minutes or so. I am going to have terrible tan lines once this stupid burn turns brown. I cannot believe I burned. I never burn. And I was wearing sunscreen. What the heck?!?!?
Today I met Shaun's Aunt Tami and her family - David (her husband) and the kids - Ben, Sam and Jessie. I was nervous meeting them without Shaun but they were great. I had such a nice time with them. We went to dinner and then went to the Casino to walk along the water and get ice creams. The kids are great - we had so much fun. I cannot wait to post the pictures - they are such hams! (that's a photo of us above)
Tomorrow I'm headed back to Sydney and finally get to see Shaun again. Woo hoo! We are going to climb the Sydney Harbour Bridge at twilight. I'm really looking forward to it. Luckily, fingers crossed, the weather is supposed to be good because they do it rain or shine. God, I hope it's good weather.
On Wednesday we head to Brisbane to see Shaun's family. I'm looking forward to seeing everyone and doing some laundry! :)
Well, I have to go. It's late and I have to get up early to catch my flight....
P.S. The pics of of Andy Roddick and Roger Federer. I didn't take any pics of James - I was too wrapped up in what was going on to remember to take any! LOL!
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