So while there's not a ton of things to get used to yet with being pregnant, some things have already come up that have made life interesting...

Exhaustion. That has been the biggest thing. I am usually a go, go, go kinda of person. There have been several times that I've passed out in the middle of the day and woken up an hour, or three, later. Luckily never during work. I'm also usually a night person and up until at least 11pm. These days I seem to only be able to keep my eyes open until about 10pm. If I am lucky enough to stay up past 10pm, I find that I'm in bed early the next day.
Last night I worked the Budweiser VIP tent at the concert that was at the fair. I had a great time and didn't get in bed until approximately midnight. I surprisingly woke-up fairly easy and didn't yawn too much throughout the day. Shaun IMed me twice throughout the day to ask me how I was doing. I think he is betting I'll be crashed on the couch by 8:30 tonight. I guess we'll see!

Food. Luckily I haven't had any cravings yet. It's probably also why I haven't gained even a half a pound. I have had morning sickness, sometimes worse than others, but no real food aversions or cravings yet. I did get sick after hot dogs (yes, they were well grilled and I read online that it was okay), lasagna, a chimichanga, and even just fruit and toast. Needless to say I will not ever eat a hot dog ever again. The others, I may try again but never hot dogs. I'm done with those.
The other bummer is that I've been dying for a margarita on the rocks with salt. It's like the moment I found out I was pregnant, I really wanted a margarita. Whatzup with that? And sushi. No sushi. Such a bummer.
And last night, I was at the concert and was starving. They had meat and cheese platters and pretzels. I wasn't thinking and had some pepperoni, salami and cheese. Only 1 of each until I remembered that I wasn't supposed to be eating it.

Clothing. I find it hilarious that one day a pair of pants can fit alright and other days, they are so uncomfortable that I can't even bring myself to wear them. As I said earlier, I haven't gained any weight but all my pants are starting to get snug. Someone said that while I haven't gained any weight, my weight is changing. Umm, okay - I guess I believe that. Either way, I just feel fat in my clothes but I'm not even close to being able to wear any maternity clothing.
Peeing. I have always gotten up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. Even if I don't drink something after 6pm, I have to get up to pee. Even before I was pregnant. Now, I get up like 3 times a night. It's very obnoxious. Luckily I'm very good at "sleep walking" when I do get up to go.

Lifting. One of the hardest things to get used to is remember that I shouldn't be lifting anything heavy. On top of being a go, go, go person, I'm also used to doing whatever I need to do to get a job done. If said job requires a keg to be moved, I move the keg. Last night, I wasn't thinking and went to help someone lift a full keg onto a cart. My friend Rey snapped "NO" at me like I was his 2 year old. I definitely backed away and said "okay, my bad." I think that his response will pop into my head every time I go to lift anything I'm not supposed to. Rey has made himself stuck in my head.
I can't think of anything else at the moment. I have my first OB appointment tomorrow. I wish Shaun was going with me.
Ha! Must be a boy then...I had the exact same craving for a margarita throughout my pregnancy with Oliver. Waitresses would balk when I would ask for a virgin margarita but I didn't care...sour mix with salt was fine with me! LOVE the format of this post. This is the hardest'll get glorious. Just you wait until that baby moves. Good luck today-wish I could be there, too!
It gets better! You'll fall in love with your body is the baby starts to grow. And just wait for that 1st ultrasound when you can see the babies face! Talk about LOVE!
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