I love the way we had our house setup but when it really came down to it there wasn't a place for a kid to play. Especially with bigger toys like exersaucers and walkers. So, I was inspired to make some changes. While the real dining room table doesn't fit into the kitchen area as well as our old one, it did allow us to create a room with space.
We moved the older, smaller table into the fireplace room, which was the dining room and set it up as a computer desk for the iMac. We then moved the bigger, newer table into the kitchen/nook space as our regular table. That table is monstrous so it wasn't as good of a fit but it works. Now in the fireplace room we have the old table setup with the computer, a futon and a big space in the middle of the room to play. Now we just have to find a rug. And Shaun doesn't want a braided rug. He wants a soft rug. A rug soft enough to sleep on. Yea, we'll see about that.
Bigger, newer table now our everyday table.
Kitchen with new table setup.
Fireplace setup with SPACE!
(the little rug will go - I was just seeing how big (not at all!) it was & so will the pile of towels and blankets)
You have such a freakin cute house! Oh and we have the same rug in our living room!
And that my friend, is what we call NESTING!!! :) Looks great! Can't wait to see you guys!
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