I have an amazing husband. I sometimes forget to tell him that enough. He has put up with some pretty crazy stuff from me for the past 7 months.
Today he got some help from our friend Andrew and put up the chair rail to finish off Amelia's room. Well, almost. We hadn't bought enough molding so there's one wall that has unpainted molding but I would say 85% of the room is done. And it looks awesome.

Then, to top it off he dove into painting her furniture tonight. Yes, you read that correctly. We found our nursery furniture on Craigslist. It was a great find. If you have a good memory, there was a post about it back in August. It was a crib, dresser & changing table for $500. I thought it was white. It was off-white. But it's beautiful and what we wanted for so much cheaper than we could have bought it for in a store.
So, why is Shaun painting? Because he loves his neurotic wife. I had to have my pink and green room. It's exactly what I've been picturing in my mind. Except for the darn good-deal, off-white furniture. The pinks made the off-white color look more yellow than white. I was disappointed. I knew I should just suck it up and deal but Shaun was a gem and said he'd paint it. So, off to Lowe's we went to buy white spray paint.
And after spending four hours putting up the chair rail, he hauled the drawers down to the garage and started some of the painting process. Here he is in the act...
It already looks so much better than it did. I'm so happy. So happy to have WHITE furniture and such an AMAZING husband. I'm a lucky girl.
1 comment:
What a great hubby! The room is looking fantastic and I can't wait to see the finished product. Amelia is going to love it!
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