Saturday, March 27, 2010

Meet Amelia

Amelia Jennifer Zemanek was born at 12:36am on Saturday, March 27th. She is 20.5" long and 7lbs. 8 ounces. She's gorgeous with long eyelashes and pretty lips, dark hair and big beautiful eyes. Her mommy asked me to put some pictures on the blog...they're not in the order I wanted, but here they are!

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Friday, March 19, 2010

38 Weeks

I'm not crazy about this photo but I already made Shaun take it 3 times so I'm not about to ask him to take another one.

Today's the 19th so 11 days (maybe!) to go!

Maternity Photo Shoot

We got some maternity photos taken on the 11th and I'm SO glad we did. It was fun and we got to meet the photographer who we're having take Amelia's newborn photos. I LOVE her newborn stuff and can't wait to see those pics but I'm happy with these ones for now. :)

Thursday, March 11, 2010

37 weeks and getting close

Today was a big day. I had a doctor's appointment and we went and took some maternity photos. (this is not one of them - Shaun just took this at home) Plus, it was so nice outside that I barely wore a jacket all day. And thankfully, I was able to wear my flip flops without my feet getting too cold! :)

My appointment went well. The doctor informed me that it appears I was not having Braxton Hicks contractions on Sunday but disorganized real contractions. After checking everything out I was informed that I'm 1cm dialated, 75% effaced and -1. It didn't mean a whole lot to me until she said, "You're farther along than most people are at 37 weeks so I'll be surprised if you make it to your due date. I don't think we're looking at anything in the next few days but I don't think you'll be waiting 20 more. Of course, I could be wrong."

After that, I started thinking about my numbers. Yes, 1cm isn't much. And I could be 3 or even 5 cm for a few weeks but the fact that I'm 75% effaced and she's already making her way into the birth canal (that's what the -1 is about), is maybe something. Maybe. I am not going to get excited. I feel like now that she's said that, Amelia will prove her wrong and show up a week late.

She's also sunny-side up with her knees and feet against my belly instead of her back. Darn kid isn't going to make this easy. LOL! The doctor gave me some positions to try and with any luck, she'll turn around. If not, I guess I'll get to experience some pretty interesting back labor in addition to all the other delivery pain. Hahahaha.

Then today we also had some maternity shots taken. It was fun and I'm excited to see the photos. Shaun was a good sport and even kissed my belly for a few shots! :)

So, Ladies and Gentlemen, let the betting begin. What are your thoughts? When is Miss Amelia coming? Early? Late? Give me a date. Let's see who gets the closest. Don't remember how to leave a comment? Check out this blog post for a refresher so you can get your vote on here.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cankles + Contractions = A Baby Someday

Sunday I had crazy intense Braxton Hicks contractions. We spent the morning doing some random errands and started getting pretty uncomfortable. When we got home we were standing around talking to our neighbors. I could not stop holding my belly, had to make myself breathe and was rocking back and forth to try and find some comfort. The pain lasted about an hour, went away for 15-20 minutes, started back again for another hour and the process repeated again once or twice. Luckily after a hot bath, I was feeling much better and the contractions stopped.

Monday night I had contractions again during our breast feeding class. My ankles got ridiculously swollen. I had already started wearing my flip flops since my shoes were getting tight. By the time we got home my feet had swollen around the straps of my flip flops. It was disgusting. Shaun was a gem and rubbed my feet and then I put ice on my ankles.

The picture above is of my ankles tonight. They actually look better than they have the last few nights so I guess that's a good thing. Maybe it was the pedicure I treated myself to this afternoon. :)

Oh well, for all the complaining I'm doing, I do know that all of this will be worth it and I'll forget about all of it the second I look at Amelia for the first time. Until then, I'm trying to get through it and continue to wonder what she'll look like and whom she'll become. I'm so excited and while the wait is hard, I know that when the moment comes, it will be the best moment.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

36 weeks & head DOWN! :)

About 1 month to go. We went to the doctor today and it's confirmed - Amelia is head down. Woo hoo!

And, she is definitely a girl. The doctor double checked for me when I told her I had a dream and the doctor said, "Congratulations, it's a boy!" Poor kid would have been wearing a lot of pink and living in a pink room. Hahaha!

I realized after the doctor left we didn't get any print outs of any ultrasound pictures but oh well, the important stuff was confirmed. And at this point in time, I really just want to meet her for real - I know what she looks like in my belly! :)

Monday, March 1, 2010

From AJ's Great Grandma & Great Grandpa LeGoff

Amelia's great grandma Peggy and great grandpa Jac got us a very useful present. It's an exersaucer that is actually 3 things in 1.

Stage 1: Play mat for 0-4 months

Stage 2: ExerSaucer for 4 months - walking

Stage 3: Activity table for 4 - 24 months

The glider is in!

We are SO excited to have the room complete. The glider is really comfy and
I'm looking forward to lots of cuddle time in that chair! :)