Friday, March 19, 2010

Maternity Photo Shoot

We got some maternity photos taken on the 11th and I'm SO glad we did. It was fun and we got to meet the photographer who we're having take Amelia's newborn photos. I LOVE her newborn stuff and can't wait to see those pics but I'm happy with these ones for now. :)


Steph Perkins said...


Jen Keaton said...

OMG Shawnna they look fantastic!!! You look great! And hey how come you don't have a ga-zillion stretch marks like me, ahhh you're so lucky. You're carrying beautifully and the one of Shaun kissing your belly brings tears to my eyes. BTW love the pink shirt, can I borrow it next year? :)

The Allards said...

This are such incredible pictures. Great photographer, Awesome subjects! :-)
Cherish these....beautiful!