Yesterday she slept in both her crib and the Moses' Basket during naps. We haven't been able to get her out of the bed at night but getting her to nap anywhere other than my chest is a big hurdle too.
Since she seems to like white noise (i.e. static and the vacuum cleaner) we've found that playing a CD with some of those noises helps during nap time. Now I just need to try it at night and see if we have any luck.
Our big success was getting her to take a bottle. I made Shaun a bottle with 4oz of milk and Amelia pretty much chugged it. And this morning she took another bottle from my dad while I took a shower. Woo hoo! Now that means I have to feed her & pump...great! (can you hear my sarcasm?)
having fun seeing all the pics. she is really a cutie. hope i will be able to see her this summer. you both take care. hang in there and have a fun time with the little one. aren't puppies fun????? :)
Pumping and feeding is good, you should see an increase in milk production. Which means little Miss AJ will be able to have bm longer. Woo hoo! I know it sucks, just wait until you get to do it at work. Sucks! And I have a private office. The only saving grace for me was that Jackson would get bm longer.
I had Jackson in his Moses basket in bed next to me. That seemed to work well until Craig and I were in our new house. Than he was in the pack n play next to me. I could reach out and touch him when he needed soothing. The Moses basket is great because it gives them the sense of being in a small space, insted of the wide open crib.
Do you swaddle? If you don't you may want to give it a try. Jackson loved being swaddled and he slept well when he was. Well, until he figured out how to get his arms out.
This is coming from a person who was forced to put Jackson in his crib at 9 months. I would still be co-sleeping if I was allowed. Someone in my house decided that Jackson would be better off sleeping in his own room and learning to fall asleep on his own. My opinion is still, the daddy is wrong ;) Ok. He may be a little right. But just a little.
And one last thing. The best thing we got for Jackson was a noise machine! They are fabulous. We can do combo sounds, or just one sound at a time. He mainly sleeps to womb sounds. Seriuosly, the best baby gadget we own!
Ok, sorry. This is really long and probably no use at all. Considering I just admitted that I would still be co-sleeping if I was allowed to.
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