Amelia has been chopping at the bit to try real food. We put her in her highchair when we eat dinner and she stares at us with drool streaming down her chin. I decided that being a week away from her 6 month mark it was time to give the little lady what she wanted. It was time for rice cereal.
Sunday afternoon we plopped her in her highchair, mixed up some cereal, threw a bib on her and with two spoons (one for her and one for me!), we set out to try something new.
Amelia tests out her spoon. It was a decoy to try and keep her hands off my spoon.
I go in for the first bite - she wasn't sure what to think.
She decided she liked it and started leaning in for more.
She must have really liked it because she kept trying to help me feed her.
The happy camper.

Sunday was the only successful day of rice cereal. On Monday she took one bite and then would not open her mouth again. Tuesday she let me give her a little here and there but she made these faces that totally let me know she thought it was completely disgusting. Oh well! Tonight (Wednesday) we're trying oatmeal. We'll try rice cereal again next week.
1 comment:
So CUTE! What a BIG girl!
If she likes the oatmeal, you could always mix the rice and oatmeal...
Hope to see you guys soon...LONG overdue! :)
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