I can't believe it's already been 18 months! It feels like just yesterday we celebrated your first birthday and maybe a week ago, I held you in my arms for the very first time. But time has flown and you've gone from my tiny baby girl to a beautiful little girl.
A year ago I wrote you a letter and as I reread it tonight, I was blown away by how far you've come. Yes, it's been a year, but it doesn't seem like it's been that long. You not only talk, you talk incessantly. You don't just walk, you run. You don't don't just eat solid foods, you devour every bite like it may be your last.
Our last day of nursing was on Mother's Day and it was so bittersweet. I nursed you right before I left on a week-long trip to Jamaica. When I came home you didn't even make a move toward latching on. I was both heartbroken and relieved. I loved our snuggle time when you nursed. The way you would wrap one arm around my waist and stroke my chest with your other hand always seemed so sweet. It was our time together and the longest you would sit in my lap without fidgeting. Now you only snuggle me like that at bedtime or if you don't feel good. When we watch Elmo you want to sit NEXT to me. Every time I pull you on my lap, you wiggle off.
When your first birthday rolled around you were already saying many words - Mommy, Daddy, milk, baby, up, kitty, cheese, bubba (bottle), uh-oh, thank you and more! I think you were up to 20 words by the time we went to Australia in April. Your word count now has more than doubled. Maybe tripled. You even say small sentences - I want milk; I need help; I love you, Mommy. Each day new words tumble from your lips and I continue to be amazed at how quickly you're learning.
We went to your 18-month check-up today and the doctor was dazzled by your ability to identify the color yellow, count to five with me, and to the surprise of both of us, count backwards from 10 to 1. You were very excited to show him your eyes, ears, nose, mouth, belly and head. It was very cute. Not only did the doctor call you "already as smart as a smart 2-year-old," he joked that you're also bigger than some 2-year-olds! You are 35" tall and 29.8lbs, which puts you in the 97th percentile for height and weight. My sweet baby girl is moose and I love every ounce of you!!!
Speaking of love, you LOVE Elmo. I can put on an Elmo DVD and you will sit absolutely still for 27 minutes, giving me enough time to whip something together for dinner. Your favorite DVD features kids' songs and you know all of them - She'll Be Coming Around the Mountain; Twinkle, Twinkle; John Jacob Jingleheimer Schmidt; and more. It also focuses on counting down from 10 to 1. I guess that's where you learned how to do that and I just didn't realize you had picked it up. Not only do you know the songs, you love to dance. We'll play music videos of Will iAm and Jason Mraz singing with Elmo and you'll sing and dance along. It's really cute.
The other thing that's really cute is your curls. You have the best hair. I'm super jealous of these perfect little corkscrew curls that cover your little head. I joke that they are your horns in disguise since some days, you are the Devil. You will look at me and push food onto the floor. Or, worse are the times you throw yourself on the floor and kick and scream because tell you "no." Luckily for all of us, those moments don't happen all the time.
There's so much to share with you that I don't want to forget. You LOVE to read. You still have the best laugh. More often than not you like to push your bike (or car) instead of riding it. You are constantly chasing the little boys in our neighborhood and you get mad when they all run off because they are bigger than you and don't always realize you want to play with them. You LOVE to paint and without fail, you end up with paint all over your hands and face. You can definitely be a bully - when you want something, you try to whatever you can to get it. You've been bit three times at daycare, but luckily haven't bit anyone yet. You love to brush your teeth and that's good because you already have all but your 2-year molars! You are a little obsessed with babies, but not crazy about me holding them. And, you LOVE shoes - I think you might have an obsession when you're older.
I am excited to see what each day brings. You are a sweet, sweet girl who is full of happiness. You bring so much love to so many people. You share hugs and kisses to anyone who needs them and know how to make almost anyone laugh. You are a breath of fresh air in a world that needs more rays of sunshine. I can't adequately put into words how you make me feel when you offer me unexpected kisses or turn to me and say "Love you, Mommy."
Love you, Amelia,
1 comment:
Very SWEET! I am sure that she will love reading it when she is older! :)
By the way, I totally remember Lani not sitting still...it gets a whole lot better! She loves to snuggle now!
Hope you guys are well! MISS YOU!
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