I can't believe your 2nd birthday was almost three months ago. Time is flying so quickly and you're growing up so fast! You have gone from a baby to a toddler and I'm sure if I blink to quickly, you'll be a little girl. I hope that doesn't come too soon.
I loved you as an infant, so cuddly and dependent on me. You needed me almost as much as I needed you. I was your comfort and for a good while, your food source. I think one of the reasons I breastfed you for so long was to have more time to hold you in my arms. I didn't want to let you go because that meant letting you grow up.
Well, grow-up you have! You're just shy of 3 feet tall, you often talk in full sentences, you have a huge personality, and you're incredibly smart. And to watch you run - oh, I love it! You run like an old woman speed walks. ;)

Your love for Elmo made it easy to decide the theme of your birthday party. I worked on it for MONTHS and was SO excited to see your reaction. Some people thought I was crazy to go through so much work for a second birthday since you wouldn't remember. I knew I would remember it and that was enough. I was not disappointed. You were so excited about everything. Though I knew you had no idea all the time and work I put into that day, you gave me a big hug that night and said, "Thank you, Mommy." You have no idea how those three little words made my heart feel warm and fuzzy.

Speaking of obsessions, it only seems fitting to talk about your personality because I'm passionate about the little girl you're becoming. You are SO full of love and curiosity and spunk. You are a funny little girl who knows how to make anyone smile. It's fabulous and maddening because sometimes when I want to be serious with you, I can't because you make me bust out laughing. I have no doubt that you know you have this power. I hope you continue to be curious and explore this wonderful world we live in. Each day you seem to learn so many new things and constantly surprise me with your new knowledge. Your brain is like a sponge and you absorb everything. I have to constantly remind myself to keep vigil of what I'm doing and saying in front of you because you might just spit it back out at me the next day. You definitely keep me on my toes!
Yesterday we had family photos taken. You of course played shy in the beginning and then warmed up a bit. Whenever the photographer wanted you to smile,instead of saying "cheese" she had you say "Cinderella" or "Ariel." You face instantly lit up wiht those words. It was very funny to watch! At one point the photographer asked you to give me a hug and kiss. You ran over to me and threw your arms around my neck and then gave me a great big kiss on the lips. Your eyes were wide open the entire time. That's how you do things - with such energy and delight, and your eyes wide open!
Yesterday we had family photos taken. You of course played shy in the beginning and then warmed up a bit. Whenever the photographer wanted you to smile,instead of saying "cheese" she had you say "Cinderella" or "Ariel." You face instantly lit up wiht those words. It was very funny to watch! At one point the photographer asked you to give me a hug and kiss. You ran over to me and threw your arms around my neck and then gave me a great big kiss on the lips. Your eyes were wide open the entire time. That's how you do things - with such energy and delight, and your eyes wide open!
As I snuggled you last night I had an internal debate going on. I alternately begged for a new bedtime routine that doesn't include me snuggling you for 30 minutes just to have you cry when I leave you, to enjoying every second of your sweet breath on my neck as you calm down and undwind from the day. It is during this time that I try to grasp all that I want to remember about the day and try to save it in my mind. A new word you surprised me with, a funny face you made, the sound of your laughter, or a challenge you've encountered. I know these particular snuggles won't happen forever so while I want to wish them away, I know my heart is tugging at them with all its might.
I love you, Amelia and even when there's times that I want to just throw-up my hands and walk away, I love you. You are an amazing little girl and I want you to know that whatever you choose to do in life, you will be great at it. This world is a better place because it is touched by your heart and filled with sounds of your happiness - you laughter, your squeals, and your singing!
Love you, Goose,
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