Thursday, March 26, 2009

Miami so far...

I'm having a great time in Miami so far. The weather is B-E-A-U-T-I-F-U-L. I'm with some great clients and have had a lot of fun snapping shots of the players with my new camera. Here's a few I've taken so far...

Erin's Shower

Erin, one of my best friends from college is getting married in May so I went down to Pittsfield, MA this weekend for one of her showers. I got to meet the other bridesmaids (I'm her Matron of Honor) so that was really exciting.

Saturday, March 21, 2009


Last night we had some friends over to celebrate my birthday. It was so much fun. Here are some pics I took with my new camera. :)

New Toy

Shaun is such a good hubby. I got a new Nikon digital SLR camera for my birthday. Here's some pics of my new toy.

Then the Hoppes got me this really cool tripod for it that can wrap around things. I wrapped it around our bar stool to test it out.

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

It's my birthday and I'll have a party if I want to!

Yes, thirty happens. So, I've decided I'm going to embrace it. We are having a party on Friday to ring in my new decade. I thought I'd have done different things with my life by now, but hey, I can't complain - I'm a happy woman. So, why not party and toast at midnight with some Vueve Cliquot with my friends? :)

I going to Miami...

On Monday, March 22nd I will be Miami-bound for the Sony Ericsson Open. I am looking forward to the warm weather and some good tennis.

AND, I'm very excited because Shaun will be joining me down there from March 30th - April 2nd! Woo hoo! Another state for him and a friendly face for me. :)

Finally, some family photos from Australia!