Yes, thirty happens. So, I've decided I'm going to embrace it. We are having a party on Friday to ring in my new decade. I thought I'd have done different things with my life by now, but hey, I can't complain - I'm a happy woman. So, why not party and toast at midnight with some Vueve Cliquot with my friends? :)
AWESOME!! It is great to see someone else happy about turning 30. I'm excited to leave the insecurities, anxieties, and other crap of my 20s and get on with life. I hope you have a great birthday. Go celebrate like you're turning 21!! The hangover will be well worth it!
So have you stopped partying yet? Hope not because you have all day tomorrow to recover. Enjoy your special day and know that we are thinking of you.
Tell Sean we say hi and we love and miss you both.
And yes, we do enjoy following your blog even though we don't post comments on it often so please keep the udates coming.
You Sounded great! I loved talking to you. I do keep track of your blog, I just can't remember my log on to write.
Happy Birthday Nana Bear!
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