Sunday, March 1, 2009

Travel Update

I almost forgot to give a travel update. Since I realized I'm only home 15 days in March, I figured I better get this info posted.

On Wednesday (March 4th) I head down to Birmingham, AL for Davis Cup. I'm very excited because my friend James from high school lives down there. I have not seen James since high school so I'm really looking forward to seeing him and meeting his wife and baby boy William. I head back to Vermont on March 9th (my dad and cousin Alex's birthday!).

I'll be in Vermont for about 2 weeks after that. On Sunday, March 22nd I'm going to Pittsfield, MA for the day for my friend Erin's bridal shower. Then on Monday afternoon I head to Miami. Yea, sunshine and warm weather!!! I'll be in Miami until Monday, April 6th.

From there I should be home until the end of May.

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