Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Cankles + Contractions = A Baby Someday

Sunday I had crazy intense Braxton Hicks contractions. We spent the morning doing some random errands and started getting pretty uncomfortable. When we got home we were standing around talking to our neighbors. I could not stop holding my belly, had to make myself breathe and was rocking back and forth to try and find some comfort. The pain lasted about an hour, went away for 15-20 minutes, started back again for another hour and the process repeated again once or twice. Luckily after a hot bath, I was feeling much better and the contractions stopped.

Monday night I had contractions again during our breast feeding class. My ankles got ridiculously swollen. I had already started wearing my flip flops since my shoes were getting tight. By the time we got home my feet had swollen around the straps of my flip flops. It was disgusting. Shaun was a gem and rubbed my feet and then I put ice on my ankles.

The picture above is of my ankles tonight. They actually look better than they have the last few nights so I guess that's a good thing. Maybe it was the pedicure I treated myself to this afternoon. :)

Oh well, for all the complaining I'm doing, I do know that all of this will be worth it and I'll forget about all of it the second I look at Amelia for the first time. Until then, I'm trying to get through it and continue to wonder what she'll look like and whom she'll become. I'm so excited and while the wait is hard, I know that when the moment comes, it will be the best moment.


The Hoppes said...

OK....please laugh but I can't resist...So, Shawnna, you had to put your feet UP on an ottoman in order to photograph them huh? Must be nice to see your feet!


This is all leading up to one of the sweetest, most amazing moments of your life. Just wait until you see her for the first time!

Shaun & ShawnnaLea said...

lol, yes I did! And I made sure to do it when nobody could see me because it was quite the struggle to get them up there. :)

Suzie said...

And worth every minute of it too!

The Allards said...

OMG look at those things because they sure aren't ankles/feet! Wow.... :-)