Monday, March 1, 2010

From AJ's Great Grandma & Great Grandpa LeGoff

Amelia's great grandma Peggy and great grandpa Jac got us a very useful present. It's an exersaucer that is actually 3 things in 1.

Stage 1: Play mat for 0-4 months

Stage 2: ExerSaucer for 4 months - walking

Stage 3: Activity table for 4 - 24 months


Jen said...

Oooooh love that!!! It's only been a year and look at the new and better things that come out. AJ will love that.

Amber said...

I so love watching you prepare for AJ. It takes me back to my own preparation for Cora's birth. Such an exciting time! And can I just say how much I am loving the nursery. It all came together so perfectly!

Oh and your shower looked lovely. I know it sounds crazy cause I haven't seen you in ages, but I would have LOVED to attend if I lived closer!!