Amelia Jennifer Zemanek was born at 12:36am on Saturday, March 27th. She is 20.5" long and 7lbs. 8 ounces. She's gorgeous with long eyelashes and pretty lips, dark hair and big beautiful eyes. Her mommy asked me to put some pictures on the blog...they're not in the order I wanted, but here they are!
Words can not express my feelings, She is more then beautiful. Thank you for the post
SO adorable! Thank you for posting all these pictures- such great ones. I got teary eyed looking at them and all her cute littleness! So beautiful, can't wait to meet her...
I am so excited for you. You are absolutely right, she IS gorgeous! I am so glad you get to experience parenthood. There is nothing more powerful on this earth. That bond is amazing. She is so lucky to have you two!
She is absolutely gorgeous. I;am so happy for you all. The pictures are great. Thanks
Love you all
Aunt Carol
Wow!!! I bet you understand now what people meant when they told you that the wait would be worth it. AJ is awsome and we can't wait to meet her. God Bless You All!!!
Wow!!! I bet you understand now what people meant when they told you that the wait would be worth it. AJ is awsome and we can't wait to meet her. God Bless You All!!!
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