Sunday, September 16, 2012


It is my guess that unfortunately, everyone knows someone affected by cancer.  It may not be a family member or even a friend, but a co-worker, a fellow parent from your child's class, or maybe even just someone you don't know but you know their loved one/friend/co-worker and you've heard about them.  

I had a co-worker who I adored and loved working with lose his fight to pancreatic cancer.  He was 39 years old and healthy.  When I heard Shawn was sick, I was devastated.  When I learned that less than a month later he lost his fight, I was angry and confused.  The only question I had was "why" and of course, no one knew the answer. 

Cancer had always sucked but it was my first real up-close encounter with cancer.  It made it suck even more. 

Not too long ago I was on Facebook and read a status update that brought me to tears.  The amazing nurse who was with Shaun and I through my scary heart situation said she had breast cancer.  And while I didn't understand all the medical lingo, it sounded bad.  How was it that yet again another young (younger than me!!), healthy person was given such terrible news?  

Christie is a fighter and being a ridiculously smart nurse, I knew she was not only going to fight her cancer, she was going to go into an all-out battle with it.  Sure enough, it sounded like war was raged reading her updates.  

Rewind for a minute.  Not long after meeting Christie I heard about the P!NK for PINK ride that she helped create.  It sounded like fun - an hour of spinning to music by Pink.  I was intimidated and never rode because I hadn't been on a spin bike in forever.

Fast forward to about two weeks ago.  Christie updated everyone that "in spite of our best laid plans, it would appear that the cancer in my breast had spread to the lymph nodes by the time of surgery. The meaning of this isn't entirely clear just yet, other than a fairly aggressive surgery to remove more lymph nodes under my right arm is going to happen in the next 2 weeks or so and that aggressive chemotherapy is a given."   Ugh!  Really? 

Around the same time they announced the dates for the 2012 P!NK for PINK ride.  I decided that instead of being angry and confused about Christie's update, I decided I was going to ignore my intimidation and fear and ride.  The ride benefits an organization called Cancer Patient Support Program.  "The CPSP are the folks that have support groups, therapy, emergency funds, all sorts of things set up for people who don't have the kind of support I do. They meet you on your first day at the Cancer Center a
nd make sure your aren't alone."

I may be close to dead after being on a spin bike for an hour, but I'll be really proud of myself AND hopefully I'll have helped raise some money for a great program.  So, help me raise some money and by doing so, you'll be helping me remind myself that I CAN get through the hour.  I may not be able walk for the rest of the weekend but that's another story!  ;)

The ride has set-up an online donation site through  To donate, click here and if you don't mind, send me a note on Facebook or email me so I can keep track of what donations I brought in.  I'm not totally familiar with INLU so I don't know if I'll see your contribution or not.  I would love to raise at least $250 and it would mean a lot if you helped me reach my goal.

NOTE: Don't think that cancer in young kids doesn't piss me off or that I'm not affected by other illnesses/diseases/etc.  I support many organizations in several different ways.  I just felt this is a great way to support the fight against breast cancer. 

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Potty Training!

On Monday, August 27th Amelia wore undies to school.  It was our jump-feet-first introduction to hardcore potty training.  I say hardcore because in the past she's sat on the potty and even gone potty, but we hadn't really put any dedication into the attempts.  If she peed on the potty, she got a pull-up and one Reece's Pieces.  Looking back, it wasn't really the most effective approach as it wasn't making much of a difference.
One of her teachers suggested just making the jump straight to undies.  I was SO nervous and didn't know how well Amelia would take to the idea.  I decided I better go into the week with the something motivational.  Yup, we bought Disney Princess panties!  I sent her off to school and told her that she shouldn't pee on her princesses and she needed to tell her teachers she had to go potty. 
That afternoon I picked her up and she had had three accidents and hadn't peed on the potty once.  I decided we were in for a LONG week.  That night when it was time for bed she hadn't peed since her last accident right before I picked her up.  I made her sit on the potty and finally, success!  I made sure I did a huge happy dance and praised her with lots of positive words as I sent her off to bed (in an overnight diaper!).

The next day she didn't have ANY accidents and I was floored.  WOW, maybe it wasn't going to be a LONG week afterall.  I decided to reinforce the awesomeness a potty chart was required.  Everytime Amelia went on the potty she'd get a sticker and after 15 successes, she would earn a Potty Prize.  The next few days were a roller coaster of accidents and successes. 

On Sunday we had a break-through!  After a fairly decent accident at naptime (no, she was not asleep so it could have been avoided), she was very good about telling me she needed to go.  That night while I was gone she disappeared.  Shaun said he heard her call out, "Daddy, I peed" so he went to inspect.  There she was sitting on the potty smiling like a Cheshire cat.  All by herself with NO help!
Monday started off with another all-by-myself moment while I was in the shower. It was also the trip that earned her her 15th sticker and her first Potty prize.  Her Potty Prize was a pair of princess shoes that Amelia calls her "Fancy Princess Shoes."  They are a little small for her chubby feet, but she loves them.

That afternoon we went to a bike race for our neighbor in downtown Burlington.  She did not want to use a bathroom in a local bike shop, but luckily I had brought one of her small potties.  She had no qualms about pulling down her pants, peeing and going right back to cheering in the middle of a large crowd on Main Street.  Ahhh, what a story that's going to be when she's older!

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

If You Skype With Amelia...

...this is what it looks like from our end when she's giving you a hug.

Yup, it's pretty sweet.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Little Drama Princess

Amelia LOVES princesses and is getting to the stage where she likes to play dress up.  While I enjoy her imagination, I'm not sure how I feel about her picking out her clothes and this being the outfit she wants to wear to go out on errands...
(this was on August 5th)

Amelia is SO excited about her upcoming dance class that she constantly bugs me to go to gymnastics to dance. This morning I was met with a full-blown tantrum until I let her dress like this. Flower too.
(this was on August 12th)
While demonstrating her flair for the dramatics, it was only appropriate to have a little dancing and singing time.  Amelia LOVES to sing POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS from The Little Mermaid. This is NOT her best, but it gives you an idea of what is guaranteed to put a smile on my face everyday!

And, incase you didn't know - princesses don't stack blocks, they stack nail polish!
(Thank goodness I didn't have a 3rd bottle around - who knows how that wouldv'e ended up.)

Monday, July 30, 2012

Veggie Lover

Amelia has been a big fan of veggies this summer and this momma isn't complaining!




Thursday, July 12, 2012

Slide Show from Photo Shoot

We  got a slideshow of the images from our photoshoot.  The link is only good until July 25th so enjoy while you can!

Monday, July 9, 2012

Sneak Peak

We got a sneak peek image from our photoshoot.  I LOVE this picture of Amelia.
I cannot wait to see the rest!!!

Another Pic in the Paper

This picture was taken by a photographer for one of the local papers at the 4th of the July parade.  The kids all look so festive!

Amelia, Anna, Oliver, Baby Sam & Chase

Friday, July 6, 2012

From the Paper

Back in May I took Amelia to a Touch-A-Truck event in our neighborhood.  A photographer for the local paper took our picture (he thought it was funny that Amelia had on 3 hats!), but I didn't see it in the paper the next week.  Today I was looking at the online version of the paper for something else and came across this photo.  It's not a fabulous picture, but since it's already on the internet, might as well share it!

Shawnnalea Zemanek of Essex holds her daughter Amelia on Saturday morning at the Touch A Truck event at Sandhill Park in Essex. Photo by Oliver Parini

Thursday, July 5, 2012

Happy 4th of July!

Amelia anxiously awaiting the start of the parade!

Amelia and her buddies before the parade.
(Oliver, Amelia, Drew, Sam, Chase & Anna) 

Grandpa's Little Helper

Grandpa is here helping put in an egress window in the basement. 
Amelia was very quick to offer a helping hand the other day.

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Construction Princess

Amelia attended Oliver's 4th birthday party on Sunday.  It was a construction theme and despite her love for everything princess, Amelia had a blast with all the trucks!

Ready to Party!                                      She's got her hat and she's ready to go!

Safety first!

Walking across the "steel beams."

Crawling through a "pipe."

 She was pretty tired after all that fun.  So tired she was naughty 
and climbed up on the sofa arm to relax.  Little devil!

Friday, June 22, 2012

Dancing Diva

Amelia LOVES to sing and dance. I will not be surprised is she is into musical theatre or even just dance when she's older. She is very dramatic and I love to watch her in her own little world.  :)

Monday, June 18, 2012

Happy Father's Day!

We had a GREAT Sunday celebrating Father's Day.

First we went to a local bakery for breakfast and Amelia gave Daddy the present she made at school -
a photo puzzle on wooden blocks!

Then we headed across the lake to Plattsburgh, NY to do some shopping at Target.  Amelia fell asleep on the way home.  SO tired!

When we got home Shaun washed the cars and Amelia washed her carriage.  I mean wagon.

The royal princess!

Friday, June 15, 2012

Another Letter to Amelia

Dear Amelia,

I can't believe your 2nd birthday was almost three months ago.   Time is flying so quickly and you're growing up so fast!  You have gone from a baby to a toddler and I'm sure if I blink to quickly, you'll be a little girl.  I hope that doesn't come too soon. 

I loved you as an infant, so cuddly and dependent on me.  You needed me almost as much as I needed you.  I was your comfort and for a good while, your food source.  I think one of the reasons I breastfed you for so long was to have more time to hold you in my arms.  I didn't want to let you go because that meant letting you grow up.

Well, grow-up you have!  You're just shy of 3 feet tall, you often talk in full sentences, you have a huge personality, and you're incredibly smart.  And to watch you run - oh, I love it!  You run like an old woman speed walks. ;)

As you're growing up your passions seem to be expanding.  First it was Elmo.  Oh how you loved that little red monster.  We would read Elmo book after Elmo book.  You expanded outside of Elmo as far as the Street Streets limits - falling in love with Abby Cadabby, Cookie Monster, Ernie and others.  The first thing that made you sit still for 27 minutes so I could cook or do whatever else needed to be done without you clinging to me, was an Elmo DVD where they sing kids' songs.  I can't tell you how excited I was that you loved that DVD.  Before I knew it, you were singing every one of those songs. 

Your love for Elmo made it easy to decide the theme of your birthday party.  I worked on it for MONTHS and was SO excited to see your reaction.  Some people thought I was crazy to go through so much work for a second birthday since you wouldn't remember.  I knew I would remember it and that was enough.  I was not disappointed.  You were so excited about everything.  Though I knew you had no idea all the time and work I put into that day, you gave me a big hug that night and said, "Thank you, Mommy."  You have no idea how those three little words made my heart feel warm and fuzzy.

Your new obsession is the Disney Princesses.  It started with Ariel.  Wow, do you LOVE The Little Mermaid.  I think she's your favorite, but you've finally wrapped your arms around Cinderella, Rapunzel, Snow White and Belle.  Thank goodness, because it was getting to the point where I almost had to do something drastic so you would talk about more than Ariel.  One day we'll take you to Disney World.  I can't decide who will be more excited, you or your daddy.  I cannot wait to find out.  One day.

Speaking of obsessions, it only seems fitting to talk about your personality because I'm passionate about the little girl you're becoming.  You are SO full of love and curiosity and spunk.  You are a funny little girl who knows how to make anyone smile.  It's fabulous and maddening because sometimes when I want to be serious with you, I can't because you make me bust out laughing. I have no doubt that you know you have this power.  I hope you continue to be curious and explore this wonderful world we live in.  Each day you seem to learn so many new things and constantly surprise me with your new knowledge.  Your brain is like a sponge and you absorb everything.  I have to constantly remind myself to keep vigil of what I'm doing and saying in front of you because you might just spit it back out at me the next day.  You definitely keep me on my toes!

Yesterday we had family photos taken.  You of course played shy in the beginning and then warmed up a bit.  Whenever the photographer wanted you to smile,instead of saying "cheese" she had you say "Cinderella" or "Ariel."  You face instantly lit up wiht those words.  It was very funny to watch!  At one point the photographer asked you to give me a hug and kiss.  You ran over to me and threw your arms around my neck and then gave me a great big kiss on the lips.  Your eyes were wide open the entire time.  That's how you do things - with such energy and delight, and your eyes wide open!

As I snuggled you last night I had an internal debate going on. I alternately begged for a new bedtime routine that doesn't include me snuggling you for 30 minutes just to have you cry when I leave you, to enjoying every second of your sweet breath on my neck as you calm down and undwind from the day.  It is during this time that I try to grasp all that I want to remember about the day and try to save it in my mind.  A new word you surprised me with, a funny face you made, the sound of your laughter, or a challenge you've encountered.  I know these particular snuggles won't happen forever so while I want to wish them away, I know my heart is tugging at them with all its might.

I love you, Amelia and even when there's times that I want to just throw-up my hands and walk away, I love you.  You are an amazing little girl and I want you to know that whatever you choose to do in life, you will be great at it.  This world is a better place because it is touched by your heart and filled with sounds of your happiness - you laughter, your squeals, and your singing!

Love you, Goose,

School Pictures

Amelia had some pictures taken at school last month.  I couldn't decide what I wanted to order so I took pictures of the online proofs.  Here they are!

Hiking Mt. Philo

On Saturday, June 9th we took Amelia to hike Mt. Philo, Vermont's oldest state park.  We had the backpack just incase Amelia got tired and needed a lift.  She didn't! She was a total rockstar and hiked up all by herself, which is about a mile!  On the way down she needed a lift here and there but in total we maybe carried her for about 10 - 12 minutes.  The rest of the time, she walked.  SO PROUD OF HER!

That night we took her out for ice cream.  We decided it was time she have her OWN cone instead of always sharing with Shaun & me.  She LOVED that she didn't have to share and I was happy that we were able to get the cone (and all the ice cream inside it) out of her reach at one point so she could have it the next day.  :)

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

May 2012

Mother's Day Picnic
 Touch A Truck!

Kid's Day! 

Memorial Day Parade!

First trip to the Sand Bar for Summer 2012!

April 2012

My cool bunny chic!

What a beautiful bunny!

Loving her little lamb!

LOL!  Smile like a princess and then snarl...

 Snuggles with Miss Sam!