Tuesday, August 21, 2012

If You Skype With Amelia...

...this is what it looks like from our end when she's giving you a hug.

Yup, it's pretty sweet.

Sunday, August 12, 2012

My Little Drama Princess

Amelia LOVES princesses and is getting to the stage where she likes to play dress up.  While I enjoy her imagination, I'm not sure how I feel about her picking out her clothes and this being the outfit she wants to wear to go out on errands...
(this was on August 5th)

Amelia is SO excited about her upcoming dance class that she constantly bugs me to go to gymnastics to dance. This morning I was met with a full-blown tantrum until I let her dress like this. Flower too.
(this was on August 12th)
While demonstrating her flair for the dramatics, it was only appropriate to have a little dancing and singing time.  Amelia LOVES to sing POOR UNFORTUNATE SOULS from The Little Mermaid. This is NOT her best, but it gives you an idea of what is guaranteed to put a smile on my face everyday!

And, incase you didn't know - princesses don't stack blocks, they stack nail polish!
(Thank goodness I didn't have a 3rd bottle around - who knows how that wouldv'e ended up.)