Saturday, December 11, 2010


Before Shaun & I were even married we went into a Baby Gap store for some reason or another. I found a pair of pink winter pants that were SO precious that I HAD to have them. Especially since they were only $3. I bought the only pair they had and hoped that maybe one day we'd have a baby who could fit into them.

Fast forward about four years...

Yup, those are them. I love them! They have little snowflakes embroidered on the legs. And, how perfect that they fit Amelia at this time of year!!!

I had to add this pic because it's just too funny. I was taking her picture and Shaun was behind me on the computer watching a YouTube video. Amelia HAD to see what Daddy was up to!


The Hoppes said...

Those are so cute! I'm so glad you bought them,

Steph Perkins said...

Adorable!!! Funny how things work out just right! :)