Monday, September 26, 2011

Time For Me

Tonight I had my first massage since the one I got when I was pregnant with Amelia. It was nothing short of AMAZING. I cannot remember the last time I felt that relaxed or peaceful. The massage therapist barely talked, which allowed me to fully enjoy every moment of silence.

I went into the massage feeling guilty but as I laid there, I realized I need to do such things for myself. I didn't fully understand how much I give of myself every day raising Amelia, working, and trying to keep life moving forward. I realized how little I allow myself to think of ME. Yes, I may nap on weekends when Amelia naps, but that doesn't mean I'm taking care of myself. It means that every once in awhile I give myself a break and give into my exhaustion. I need to do it more often. And so does Shaun!

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